
Our Majestic Universe - I

Our Universe is 13.7 billion years old and it is expanding with tremendous rate since then. In simple, we can consider the Universe as a giant balloon filled very very very lightly with thermo-col grain. Here the Thermo-col beads are nothing but the objects or bodies of "Observable Universe" like stars, galaxies, nebulae, planets, black holes etc.  All bodies of an observable Universe, including us, are made up of "Matter". Ever wondered how many stars are in our own galaxy "The Milkyway"? Even ever gave a th ought to the number of stars are there in our super duper massive Universe? The estimates say that our own Milkyway, which is considered as a normal-sized galaxy, could have 200 billion stars or more.  What!!! Is that true or a typo in a figure "200 billion"???  No, there isn't any. Our Milkyway is a home of more than two hundred billion stars. Wowww!!! So Milkyway is the only galaxy in the Universe? Question not to